ACLU of Oregon Statement about Protests and Civil Disobedience on Oregon Campuses
Let’s learn from history: Police bring harm, not safety, to college campus demonstrations
If you are a member of the media and wish to speak to a representative of the ACLU of Oregon, please email
Let’s learn from history: Police bring harm, not safety, to college campus demonstrations
Today, the ACLU of Oregon filed a ballot title challenge to PDX24OL-03, an initiative petition filed by William Aitchison, the lawyer for the Portland Police Association (PPA).
Yesterday, the state’s House leadership – which was led by then Speaker Dan Rayfield – ended the 2024 legislative session several days early before the constitutionally required deadline of March 10, 2024.
Today, librarians, educators, students, and democracy and civil rights advocates showed up in strong force to testify in support of SB 1583A before the House Committee on Rules.
Today, Oregon lawmakers took the final vote on HB 4002, which will increase racial disparities in our state and leave Oregon communities without help and support while fentanyl continues to harm our loved ones.
Today, the Oregon House of Representatives made an error that will result in lifelong harm to countless Oregonians. They voted for a bill that will increase racial disparities in Oregon and disparities between counties.